Partner with Proactive

The Student Benefits

Students who participate in partnership programs are able to receive education and training that is in demand, and better understand their career options.

Gain Skills Aligned with Business Needs

Employment is not guaranteed after earning a qualification or accreditation. However, solid training combined with work experience can provide participating students clear connections to businesses’ needs and a better idea of possible career paths they can take.

Earn Nationally Recognised Qualifications and Training

Businesses are taking a “flexible workforce” approach, leveraging education partnerships to develop nationally recognised qualifications that are transferable across the entire industry. Students who choose programs that result in recognised qualifications are able to quickly demonstrate their skills to many different businesses.

Spend Less Time and Money

People deciding to go back for training are often looking for ways to decrease the financial and time commitment that comes with a traditional institution based program. Business-RTO partnerships can offer students a more succinct and meaningful alternative, while providing the specific skills businesses are looking for.

The Business Benefits The Community Benefits