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Ever wanted to ask an expert about something without having to go to a whole day’s training? Do you have questions relating to VET and our new world of work? VDC are offering an opportunity for greater interaction through a newly designed series of 30-minute VET Chats to support you as you navigate this changing climate.

Take your questions straight to the subject matter experts as VET Chats create an online platform to collaborate, inspire thinking and share ideas and resources. Bring your tea/coffee at 10.00am to the chat to participate in an engaging, thought provoking and interactive session.

Have questions regarding the changes ASQA have made as they move audits online? Join Claire Field for her VET Chat discussing the 2 changes ASQA have implemented in response to COVID-19 and what they mean for your RTO.

eLearning strategist Kerri Buttery will be there to assist you with your online training questions as you endeavor to support students who have moved from face to face to online delivery. She will touch on interactive elements of video conferencing and will also share tips to motivate learners online.

Experienced VET Expert Matthew Dale will be bringing his wealth of knowledge on micro-credentialing to his VET Chats. He will share the importance of micro-credentials in this uncertain time and help you explore the possibilities that these could bring to your organisation.

Online assessment guru, Shauna Farey is constantly on the lookout for innovative solutions to capture assessment evidence whilst keeping her learners engaged. Shauna will be tuning in to share her insights and answer your questions to keep yourself and your learners on track while you conduct assessments online.

Do you need to conduct assessments for trades or other qualifications that require face to face? VET veteran and compliance expert Anni Yaringa will be offering information on the recent advice from ASQA about conducting assessments using distance delivery methods.

Don’t miss your chance to connect with industry experts and fellow members of VET in this newly designed, interactive VET Chat series.