Productivity Coach’s Corner: Group Momentum—in Just 3 Months

This post was originally published on this site

How to clarify your own #KnownFor while helping people around you achieve their goals.

“How do I mentor and help people, when I’m already busy?” An approach I’ve used and talked about in my book, “Get Momentum” (Wiley, 2016), can help you clarify your own #KnownFor while helping people around you who are willing to achieve their goals. Define the roles you have and choose what you want to be #KnownFor in each during a specific period of time. Decide what to prioritize, and delete or delegate anything that gets in your way. Then follow these steps:

Step 1: Reserve a table at a local café or coffee shop.

Step 2: Invite four to eight people to meet you monthly for three months to discuss a particular topic for 90 minutes.

Step 3: When you gather, follow this structure:

Minutes 5-30 (after you check in with each other): Invite each person to share the role he or she is working on, and what he or she wants to be #KnownFor over the next 90 days.

Minutes 30-60: Each person describes (in detail) the help he or she needs. The group members ask clarifying questions.

Minutes 60-85: Group members offer resources to one another.

In three months, these “momentum” sessions will have helped you all make more progress, faster than you could have imagined. This is how you mentor people when you’re already busy!

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