
The good, bad and ugly of work experience

Unpaid work experience in Australia (83 pages) Study confirms what VET practitioners have long known – work placements enhance VET students’ confidence and job prospects. Late last year the Commonwealth Department of Employment released a study into work-integrated learning, work placements, internships or work experience. The study looked closely at the benefits and pitfalls of […]

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9/10 VET graduates recommend training

The NCVER’s National Student Outcomes Survey, reveals positive news for learners, teachers and providers. Of the 44,000 VET graduates who responded to the Total VET graduate outcomes 2016 (24 pages) survey indicated encouraging employment outcomes. For example: 55.5 per cent of graduates said they had an improved employment status after training 71.0 per cent of

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Australian Jobs growth

Grattan Institute analysis poses strategic questions for the VET sector. The Grattan Institute, a Melbourne-based think tank, has pulled together some valuable data about where jobs growth is occurring in Australia. The Institute’s CEO, John Daley, spoke about ‘Productivity and geography’ to a Productivity Commission conference in December last. His presentation was accompanied by a

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Securing future work for young people

The future is clouded for young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEET). Their options are narrowing quickly. (See a recent VDC newsletter article, 1 in 8 Young Australians are ‘NEET’, for more). PwC’s Young Workers Index offers international benchmarks on preparing young people for work. Australia is slipping in the rankings.

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NCVER No Frills Conference 2017 – Call for Presenters

If you are interested in presenting at the 26th National Vocational Education and Training Research Conference ‘No Frills’? The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) is now accepting abstracts for both oral and poster presentations from industry, practitioners, policy makers and researchers. We strongly encourage both new and experienced presenters to apply. Why present?

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Growing Focus on Apprenticeship Reforms

Another voice has entered the debate. NSW Business Chamber seeks far-reaching apprenticeship reforms. The Chamber’s proposals include system redesign, changes to VET for school students and a national careers advice service. On 23 November, the NSW Business Chamber launched a report proposing substantial reforms. Laying the foundations for apprenticeship reform (56 pages) is intended as

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Feedback invited on draft Foundation Skills Professional Standards Framework

A National Foundation Skills Strategy project has produced a great resource for the professional development of foundation skills practitioners. If you are after a good model for a workforce capability framework then you can do no better than take a swing through the draft Foundation Skills Professional Standards Framework (14 pages). The Framework was developed

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VET is key in securing transitions for the Auto industry

Imminent auto industry changes provide an opening for new skills formation, upskilling and reskilling demands for VET providers. Manufacturer’s Monthly recently reported on solid short term prospects for manufacturing (‘Outlook for manufacturing export industry positive’). The last VDC newsletter highlighted VET’s long term role in maintaining Australia’s position among leading manufacturing nations (‘Australia’s manufacturing future

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