
LGBITQ what is your understanding?

Rebeckah has an in-depth understanding of the LGBTIQ community and the impact of feeling anxious about one’s identity. Also on feeling unsafe in a learning environment which influences one’s ability to stay engaged in learning. Rebeckah is a trans advocate and Employment Consultant at SensWide Employment –WorkingOUT where she supports LGBTIQ students and job seekers

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Ice addiction & training

The Victorian Government recently launched Ice: training for frontline workers – a free, online training package for all Victorians who, as part of their job, come into contact with people who are ice-affected. The training is designed for all frontline workers who work in health, community services, education, police and emergency services, correctional facilities and

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Qualifications do reap rewards

When you do the numbers, VET qualifications offer long term benefits? It’s a common observation today that a post-school qualification is essential for improving individual life chances. As the newsletter indicated a few months ago, Australia is forecast to create a million jobs over the next five years, but only 69,000 of those jobs are

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Training ideas that work

Five Victorian VET providers have implemented innovative programs that are making a difference for disengaged young learners. VET has a proud record in testing and implementing teaching and learning innovations, and in aligning those innovations with new ways of providing student support and furthering industry relevance. VET’s outreach to students and employers is a clear

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